My makeshift workstation on the bonnet of our Landcruiser. Anna Creek Station, South Australia, 2011. Photo by Angus Kennedy.
Here is my Google Scholar profile.
Hoops D, Kyne FR, Salameh S, Ewing E, He AT, Orsini T, Durand A, Popescu C, Zhao JM, Schatz KC, Li LP, Carroll QE, Liu G, Paul MJ, Flores C. (2024) The scheduling of adolescence with Netrin-1 and UNC5C. eLife, 12:RP88261. 10.7554/eLife.88261; extra materials on the Open Science Framework here.
Hoops D, Yee Y, Hammill C, Wong S, Manitt C, Bedell BJ, Cahill C, Lerch JP, Flores C, Sled JG. (2024) Disproportionate neuroanatomical effects of Dcc haploinsufficiency in adolescence compared to adulthood: links to dopamine, connectivity, covariance, and gene expression brain maps in mice. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 49(3):157-171. 10.1503/jpn.230106; extra materials on the Open Science Framework here.
Hoops D, Whiting MJ, Keogh JS. (2022) A smaller habenula is associated with increasing intensity of sexual selection. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 97(5):265–273. 10.1159/000521750; extra materials on the Open Science Framework here.
van Dyke J, Thompson M, Burridge C, Castelli M, Clulow S, Dissanayake D, Dong C, Doody J, Edwards D, Ezaz T, Friesen C, Gardner M, Georges A, Higgie M, Hill P, Holleley C, Hoops D, Hoskin C, Merry D, Riley J, Wapstra E, While G, Whiteley S, Whiting W, Zozaya S, Whittington C. (2021) Australian lizards are outstanding models for reproductive biology research. Australian Journal of Zoology 68(4):168-199. 10.1071/ZO21017
Hoops D, Weng H, Shahid A, Skorzewski P, Janke AL, Lerch JP, Sled JG. (2021) A fully segmented 3D anatomical atlas of a lizard brain. Brain Structure and Function, 226:1727–1741. 10.1007/s00429-021-02282-z; extra materials on the Open Science Framework here.
Nagloo N, Paulo Coimbra J, Hoops D, Hart NS, Collin SP, Hemmi JM. (2020) Retinal topography and microhabitat diversity in a group of dragon lizards. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 528(4): 542-558. 10.1002/cne.24780
Hoops D*, Desfilis E*, Ullmann JFP, Janke AL, Stait-Gardner T, Devenyi G, Price WS, Medina L, Whiting MJ, Keogh JS. (2018) A 3D MRI-based model of a lizard brain. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 526(16): 2511-2547. 10.1002/cne.24480; extra materials on the Open Science Framework (including those that were supposed to be available at but appear not to be anymore) are here.
Hoops D. (2018) The secret caverns of the dragon's brain: Current and potential contributions of squamates to evolutionary neuroscience. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 91(1): 1-3. 10.1159/000486529 [Invited Perspective; Open Access]
Hoops D, Reynolds LM, Restrepo-Lozano J-M, Flores C. (2018) Dopamine development in the mouse orbital prefrontal cortex is protracted and sensitive to amphetamine in adolescence. eNeuro, 5(1): 1-9. 10.1523/eneuro.0372-17.2017
Salameh S, Nouel D, Flores C, Hoops D. (2018) An optimised immunohistochemistry protocol for detecting the guidance cue Netrin-1 in neural tissue. MethodsX, 5: 1-7. 10.1016/j.mex.2017.12.001
Hoops D, Flores C. (2017) Making dopamine connections in adolescence. Trends in Neurosciences, 40(12): 709-719. 10.1016/j.tins.2017.09.004
Hoops D, Vidal-Garcia M, Ullmann JFP, Janke AL, Stait-Gardner T, Duchene D, Price WS, Whiting MJ, Keogh JS. (2017) Evidence for concerted and mosaic evolution in dragon lizards. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 90(3): 211-223. 10.1159/000478738 [Editor's Choice: Open Access]
Hoops D, Ullmann JFP, Janke AL, Vidal-Garcia M, Stait-Gardner T, Dwihapsari Y, Merkling T, Price WS, Endler JA, Whiting MJ, Keogh JS. (2017) Sexual selection predicts brain structure in dragon lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30(2): 244-256. 10.1111/jeb.12984
Wylie D, Hoops D, Aspden J, Iwaniuk A. (2016) Zebrin II is expressed in sagittal stripes in the cerebellum of lizards (Ctenophorus sp.). Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 88(3-4): 177-186. 10.1159/000452857
Hoops D. (2015) A perfusion protocol for lizards, including a method for brain removal. MethodsX, 2: 165-173. 10.1016/j.mex.2015.03.005
Boudzoumou S, Hoops D, Mamonekene V, Jackson K. (2013) Morphological variation in Monopeltis guentheri from forest habitat in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae). African Journal of Herpetology, 62(2): 117-124. 10.1080/21564574.2012.761284
Hoops D, Grant A, Labelle-Dumais C, Flores C. (2008) Netrin-1 receptor deficiency protects against psychostimulant-induced behaviours in mice. McGill Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 3: 9-16. msurjvol3iss1
Grant A, Hoops D, Labelle-Dumais C, Prevost M, Kolb B, Stewart J, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C. (2007) Netrin-1 receptor deficiency shows enhanced mesocortical dopamine and blunted behavioural responses to amphetamine. European Journal of Neuroscience, 26(11): 3215-3228. 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05888.x
* Equal contributions
Public Advocacy
Bozinoff N, Hoops D, Lundine J, Price EM. (2023) Five Years Later, McGill Alum Niloufar Bayani Remains Detained in Iran. The McGill Daily, 112(17): 10. Link to webpage. Alternate link.