An ochre dragon (Ctenophorus tjantjalka) tries to make a run for it after being lassoed, illustrating how I feel right before presenting. Anna Creek Station, South Australia, 2012. Photo by Angus Kennedy.
Invited Talks
The timing of adolescence: insights from mice and hamsters (2019) Department of Psychology, State University of New York at Buffalo, United States. Part of the “Brown Bag” Lecture Series
Fine-tuning the brain through natural selection: an examination of patterns and processes in lizards using histology and MRI (2018) Mouse Imaging Centre, Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
Conference Presentations
Oral presentation: Parceling out the lizard brain: Allometry and encephalization deconstructed. (2022) Australian Society of Herpetologists Conference, Mylor, Australia.
Oral presentation: Parceling out the lizard brain: Allometry and encephalization deconstructed. (2021) JB Johnston Club Annual Meeting, Online.
Oral presentation: Allometry and encephalization: Breaking up the whole brain. (2021) Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Online.
Oral presentation: Reproducibility stops at the black box: 3D image analysis. (2021) Society for Open, Reproducible, and Transparent Ecology & Evolution, Online.
Oral presentation: The timing of adolescence in hamsters. (2019) JB Johnston Club Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States.
Poster presentation: Adolescent dopamine development to the prefrontal cortex is plastic in response to seasonal cues in hamsters. (2018) Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Montreal, Canada. Selected as the best poster.
Poster presentation: Adolescent dopamine development to the prefrontal cortex is plastic in response to seasonal cues in hamsters. Neuroscience 2018, San Diego, United States. Selected as a “Hot Topic” poster.
Oral presentation: What determines the timing of adolescence? Insights from model and non-model organisms. (2018) JB Johnston Club Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States.
Poster presentation: Dopamine development to the orbital prefrontal cortex is protracted and sensitive to amphetamine in adolescence. Neuroscience 2017, Washington, United States.
Oral presentation: Evolution of dragon brains. (2017) JB Johnston Club Annual Meeting, Washington, United States.
Poster presentation: Dopamine development to the orbital prefrontal cortex is protracted and sensitive to amphetamine in adolescence. (2017) Cortex Evolution and Development: The Brain Conferences, Copenhagen, Denmark. Selected for a “Spotlight Poster” short talk.
Poster presentation: Dopamine development to the orbital prefrontal cortex is protracted and sensitive to amphetamine in adolescence. (2017) Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Kingston, Canada.
Oral presentation: The evolution of brain structure in dragon lizards. (2015) Behavior Meeting, Cairns, Australia.
Poster presentation: The evolution of brain structure in dragon lizards. (2015) International Brain Research Organization World Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Oral presentation: The evolution of brain structure in dragon lizards. (2015) Evolution Meeting, Guarujá, Brazil.
Poster presentation: The evolution of brain structure in dragon lizards. (2015) International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Victoria, Canada.
Poster presentation: 3D automated segmentation of a dragon brain. (2015) Australian Society of Herpetologists Conference, Eildon, Australia.
Poster presentation: A 3D MRI-based atlas of a dragon brain. Neuroscience 2014, Washington, United States.
Oral presentation: A 3D MRI-based atlas of a dragon brain. (2014) JB Johnston Club Annual Meeting, Washington, United States.
Poster presentation: Sexual selection & dragon brains. (2014) International Conference for Neuroendocrinology, Sydney, Australia.
Oral presentation: A 3D MRI-based atlas of a dragon brain. (2014) Australian Society of Herpetologists Conference, Canberra, Australia.
Poster presentation: Sexual selection & dragon brains. (2014) Australian Society of Herpetologists Conference, Canberra, Australia.
Poster presentation: Sexual selection & dragon brains. Neuroscience 2013, San Diego, United States.
Oral presentation: Sexual selection & dragon brains. (2013) JB Johnston Club Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States.
Oral presentation: Sexual selection & dragon brains. (2013) Australian Evolution Society, Geelong, Australia.
Oral presentation: On the evolution of dragon brains. (2013) DeAgamis Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Oral presentation: On the evolution of dragon brains. (2013) Australian Society of Herpetologists Conference, Lake Macquarie, Australia.
Poster presentation: Habitat Preferences of Birds and Moths in Plantation Forests in Panama. (2011) Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference, Adelaide, Australia
Local Presentations (2016 onwards)
Roger research group (2023) School of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia
Postdoc Seminar Series (2023) Research Institute, SickKids Hospital
Postdoctoral Fellows Seminar Series (2022) Department of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University
Douglas Research Day (2019) Douglas Hospital Research Centre, McGill University
Drugs, Brain and Behaviour Club (2018, 2019) Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Sackler Institute Research Day (2018) Douglas Hospital Research Centre, McGill University
Addiction Club (2017) Douglas Hospital Research Centre, McGill University
Trainee Data Blitz (2017) Douglas Hospital Research Centre, McGill University
Skype a Scientist (2016-2018) Over 20 presentations to classrooms via Skype.
PhD Exit Seminar (2016) Division of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics, The Australian National University