Awards & Honours
2020 Elected Secretary of the Executive Board, JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience
2019 Best Poster, Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology ($250)
2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSERC Canada ($45000/yr for 2 years)
2017 IBRO-PERC, The Brain Prize and FENS stipend, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (€1000)
2017 Thomas Karger Award, JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience ($545)
2017 Postdoctoral Fellowship, FQRNT Quebec ($35000/yr for 2 years)
2016 MASSIVE Interactive Compute NCMAS Grant, National Computational Infrastructure ($800)
2015 Best Tweet (I’m not joking), International Behavioral Neuroscience Society ($25)
2015 Student Award, Australasian Evolution Society ($320)
2015 Travel Award, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society ($1300)
2014 MASSIVE Interactive Compute NCMAS Grant, National Computational Infrastructure ($82.30)
2013 Luis Carneiro Memorial Student Travel Award, JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience ($1000)
2013 Vice Chancellor's Travel Grant, The Australian National University ($1000)
2012 Postgraduate Students Scholarship, NSERC Canada ($21000/yr for 3 years)
2011 Subsidized Access Grant, National Imaging Foundation ($9000)
2011 Research Grant, ACT Herpetological Association ($1500)
2011 Vice Chancellor's Fieldwork Grant, The Australian National University ($2414)
2011 Australian Postgraduate Award, Australia ($23728/yr for 3.5 years)
2010 International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australia ($30096/yr for 4 years)
2010 Postgraduate Student's Scholarship, NSERC Canada ($17300)
2010 Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship, NSERC Canada ($17500)*
2010 Richard H. Tomlinson Fellowship, McGill University ($10000)*
2010 Fantham Memorial Prize in Biology, McGill University ($850)
2009 Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC Canada ($6549)
2008 Richard Adams Award, McGill University ($900)
2007 Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC Canada ($6549)
2006 Dean's Honour List, McGill University (awarded annually through 2009)
2005 J. W. McConnell Entrance Scholarship, McGill University ($3000/yr for 4 years)
The striatum (bottom) is densely innervated by dopamine axons (in red). However, a few of these axons leave the striatum and grow into the prefrontal cortex (top). Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform, Douglas Hospital Research Centre, 2017. Photo by Daniel Hoops.
*I was forced to decline these awards due to restrictions on where they could be held and/or how many awards I was allowed to hold simultaneously.