Awards & Honours

2020 Elected Secretary of the Executive Board, JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience

2019 Best Poster, Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology ($250)

2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship, NSERC Canada ($45000/yr for 2 years)

2017 IBRO-PERC, The Brain Prize and FENS stipend, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (€1000)

2017 Thomas Karger Award, JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience ($545)

2017 Postdoctoral Fellowship, FQRNT Quebec ($35000/yr for 2 years)

2016 MASSIVE Interactive Compute NCMAS Grant, National Computational Infrastructure ($800)

2015 Best Tweet (I’m not joking), International Behavioral Neuroscience Society ($25)

2015 Student Award, Australasian Evolution Society ($320)

2015 Travel Award, International Behavioral Neuroscience Society ($1300)

2014 MASSIVE Interactive Compute NCMAS Grant, National Computational Infrastructure ($82.30)

2013 Luis Carneiro Memorial Student Travel Award,  JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience ($1000)

2013 Vice Chancellor's Travel Grant, The Australian National University ($1000)

2012 Postgraduate Students Scholarship, NSERC Canada ($21000/yr for 3 years)

2011 Subsidized Access Grant, National Imaging Foundation ($9000)

2011 Research Grant, ACT Herpetological Association ($1500)

2011 Vice Chancellor's Fieldwork Grant, The Australian National University ($2414)

2011 Australian Postgraduate Award, Australia ($23728/yr for 3.5 years)

2010 International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australia ($30096/yr for 4 years)

2010 Postgraduate Student's Scholarship, NSERC Canada ($17300)

2010 Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship, NSERC Canada ($17500)* 

2010 Richard H. Tomlinson Fellowship, McGill University ($10000)*

2010 Fantham Memorial Prize in Biology, McGill University ($850)

2009 Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC Canada ($6549)

2008 Richard Adams Award, McGill University ($900)

2007 Undergraduate Student Research Award, NSERC Canada ($6549)

2006 Dean's Honour List, McGill University (awarded annually through 2009)

2005 J. W. McConnell Entrance Scholarship, McGill University ($3000/yr for 4 years)

The striatum (bottom) is densely innervated by dopamine axons (in red). However, a few of these axons leave the striatum and grow into the prefrontal cortex (top). Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform, Douglas Hospital Research Centre, 2017. P…

The striatum (bottom) is densely innervated by dopamine axons (in red). However, a few of these axons leave the striatum and grow into the prefrontal cortex (top). Molecular and Cellular Microscopy Platform, Douglas Hospital Research Centre, 2017. Photo by Daniel Hoops.

*I was forced to decline these awards due to restrictions on where they could be held and/or how many awards I was allowed to hold simultaneously.